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Invasive Plant   Invasive Plant
Non-Invasive Plant   Non-Invasive Alternative Plant
Common Name (Botanical Name) Category Region
Invasive Plant African and European Olives (Olea europaea ssp. europaea and cuspidata) Trees and Shrubs South Australia
Invasive Plant African Carrion Flower (Orbea variegata) Succulent Plants South Australia
Invasive Plant American Agave, American Aloe, Century Plant (Agave americana) Succulent Plants South Australia
Invasive Plant Arum Lily (Zantedeschia aethiopica) Bulbous Plants South Australia
Invasive Plant Asparagus ferns (excluding foxtail fern) (Asparagus aethiopicus*,  A. africanus*, A. plumosus*, A.scandens*) Climbing and Ground Cover Plants South Australia
Invasive Plant Baby Sun Rose (Aptenia cordifolia) Succulent Plants South Australia
Invasive Plant Bluebell Creeper (Billardiera heterophylla) Climbing and Ground Cover Plants South Australia
Invasive Plant Box Elder (Acer negundo) Trees and Shrubs South Australia
Invasive Plant Bracelet Honey-myrtle. (Melaleuca armillaris ssp. armillaris) Trees and Shrubs South Australia
Invasive Plant Cabomba (Cabomba caroliniana* ) Aquatic Plants South Australia

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