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Sycamore Maple

Sycamore Maple
Invasive Plant
Sycamore Maple
Acer pseudoplatanus

A long-lived, vigorous, deciduous tree that reaches 30 m high. This hardy species seeds profusely and can naturalise in fertile forests as well as roadsides, creeks and wetlands.



  • Produce masses of 'winged' seeds which are readily carried by wind.
  • Seeds germinate rapidly in gardens, guttering, gaps in paving and driveways etc.
  • Wind transfers them from garden to bushland, parks and reserves.

Removal of these invasive plants is both difficult and costly.

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Alternative Plants

Cut Leaf Plane, Oriental Plane
Photo: Robert Chin
Alternative Plant Cut Leaf Plane, Oriental Plane
Platanus orientalis 'Digitata'
Trees and Shrubs

A deciduous large tree to 25 m high. It is fast-growing and most suitable for street planting or large gardens. The large dark green leaves are deeply lobed and turn golden yellow/brown in autumn. A hardy, drought tolerant tree that thrives in an open position in full-sun.

Eastern Flowering Dogwood
Photo: Macbird Floraprint
Alternative Plant Eastern Flowering Dogwood
Cornus florida
Trees and Shrubs

A highly ornamental deciduous small tree to 9 m high with mid-green leaves which turn red and purple in autumn. This species grows best in part-shade to full-sun and prefers moist, well-drained soils. Masses of white to pink bracts (flowers) appear on bare branches during spring. Grows best in moist soils and responds favourably to mulching. Several cultivars are available including pink flowering 'Rubra' and the weeping cultivar 'Pendula'. Look for these and other cultivars at your local garden centre.

Liquidambar, Sweet Gum
Photo: Macbird Floraprint
Alternative Plant Liquidambar, Sweet Gum
Liquidambar styraciflua
Trees and Shrubs

An impressive, conical-shaped, deciduous tree to 21 m high that produces some of the most spectacular autumn foliage you will see. The large glossy green maple-shaped leaves turn shades or red, yellow, purple and orange during autumn. Its small white flowers are insignificant, however they are followed by distinctive, spiky, woody seed capsules. Suitable for larger gardens in a full-sun position.

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