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Japanese Honeysuckle

Japanese Honeysuckle
Photo: Macbird Floraprint
Invasive Plant
Japanese Honeysuckle
Lonicera japonica

This semi-deciduous scrambling or climbing shrub will grow to 8 m high. It has profuse tube-like, fragrant and nectar filled flowers through summer aging from white to yellow. Small shiny black berries follow the flowers in autumn. It was once frequently cultivated in gardens, however, the common honeysuckle is now a serious weed of moist conservation areas.



  • The seeds are dispersed by water and birds. The stems root down where they touch the ground forming new shoots.
  • It is also dumped on bushland and roadside edges.
Grow Me Instead


Alternative Plants

Azores Jasmine
Photo: Macbird Floraprint
Alternative Plant Azores Jasmine
Jasminum azoricum
Climbing and Ground Cover Plants

An evergreen, non-invasive, climbing shrub to 6 m high. It has glossy, deep green, leathery leaves on twining stems and is not aggressive in its habit. Like all Jasmines it has an abundance of pure white, highly scented flowers that appear in late summer.

Photo: Macbird Floraprint:
Alternative Plant Clematis
Clematis jackmanii hybrids
Climbing and Ground Cover Plants

These large, spring flowering Clematis make a dazzling display. The vine tendrils become covered in flowers which are large and luscious, 15–18 cm wide. There are a multitude of colours available ranging from purples, blues, pinks and whites. These varieties grow to a compact 2.5 m high. Many vines invade and take over the garden, but not these. Perfect to soften harsh edges, posts, pergolas, fences and walls.

Guinea Flower, Snake Vine
Photo: Lorna Rose
Alternative Plant Guinea Flower, Snake Vine
Hibbertia scandens
Climbing and Ground Cover Plants

This vigorous climber or scrambler grows from 2 to 5 m wide or high. The large golden-yellow flowers are most commonly seen in late spring and summer, however it continually flowers through the year. It tolerates a wide range of climates, including exposure to salt-laden winds.

Grow Me Instead