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Mother In Law's Tongue

Mother In Law's Tongue
Photo: Sheldon Navie
Invasive Plant
Mother In Law's Tongue
Sansevieria trifasciata

Dense clumping plant with succulent sword like foliage to 1m in height. Mottled upright grey green leaves with occasional pale cream flowers on spikes in Spring. Effective spreading habit, preferring moist and shaded areas.



  • Often spread through the dumping of garden waste, this plant is difficult to eradicate once established.
  • The variegated form of Sansevieria is a popular indoor plant. This use is acceptable; however it should not be planted in the garden or disposed of in dumped garden waste.
Grow Me Instead

Other superior selections include;

  • Billbergia brasiliensis - Bromeliad
  • Liriope 'Stripey White' - Stripey White
  • Microsorum punctatum - Calves Tongue Fern

Ask your local retailer for more superior selections


Alternative Plants

Cardwell Lily
Photo: KHQ Flower Guide is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0
Alternative Plant Cardwell Lily
Proiphys amboinensis
Bulbous Plants

Beautiful Australian native bulbous plant with large rounded deeply veined leaves emerging on a 45cm petiole. The 5cm wide fragrant white flowers emerge on a tall flower spike in umbel like clusters of 15-20 flowers. A wonderful yet underused plant in the tropics.

Cast Iron Plant
Photo: Barry Naylor
Alternative Plant Cast Iron Plant
Aspidistra elatior
Trees and Shrubs

Thick ribbed deep green leaves emerge on short stalks from woody underground rhizomes. Leaves stand to around 60cm but often arch down. There are small bell shaped flowers that vary from white to dark purple that emerge at ground level. This is an extremely tough plant.

Flax Lilies
Photo: Macbird Floraprint
Alternative Plant Flax Lilies
Dianella species
Trees and Shrubs

Excellent Australian native selection with mid-dark green arching foliage and sprays of blue flowers followed by bright blue berries. There has been a proliferation of Dianella cultivars with a wide range of foliage colours and growth habits in recent years. Ask your retailer for the most reliable local selections.

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