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Mountain Ash

Mountain Ash
Photo: Norwood
Invasive Plant
Mountain Ash
Fraxinus griffithii

A once popular evergreen garden or street tree growing to a height of 8m. The leaves are glossy green and the bark is light grey in colour. The tree produces abundant creamy white flowers followed by masses of winged seeds that germinate readily.



  • The abundant seeds are spread by wind and water.
  • These seeds have a high rate of germination and the tree quickly colonises native bushland.
Grow Me Instead

Other superior selections include;

  • Lepiderema pulchella - Fine-leaved Tuckeroo
  • Pararchidendron pruinosum - Snow-wood
  • Flindersia australis - Crow's Ash

Ask your local retailer for more superior selections


Alternative Plants

Blueberry Ash
Photo: Macbird Floraprint
Alternative Plant Blueberry Ash
Elaeocarpus reticulatus
Trees and Shrubs

Large shrub to small tree with dark green foliage forming a thick screen. The tree is covered with dainty pinkish-white flowers in spring-summer and these are followed by bluish black berries. 'Prima Donna' has a more compact habit and has pink flowers.

Golden Penda
Photo: Macbird Floraprint
Alternative Plant Golden Penda
Xanthostemon chrysanthus
Trees and Shrubs

Popular Australian native tree growing to 6m in cultivation. It naturally forms a dense screen of dark green glossy foliage and is covered with a profusion of large yellow flower heads in Spring and Autumn. This tree is bird attracting and is effective as either a specimen or screen tree.

Ivory Curl Flower
Photo: Norwood
Alternative Plant Ivory Curl Flower
Buckinghamia celsissima
Trees and Shrubs

Superb Australian native tree growing to 6m in cultivation. Interesting greenish yellow foliage with red tips is covered with 20cm long cream white blooms in summer. It is absolutely spectacular in full bloom and makes an excellent specimen tree.

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