Local Government authorities have a critical role to play in the effective adoption of the key messages of Grow Me Instead. The establishment of the national Grow Me Instead website provides information on invasive plants and their non-invasive alternatives for all Australian states and territories. The main aim of Grow Me Instead is to facilitate cultural change amongst the industry and gardening public. The GMI guides and this website provide an excellent starting point by identifying a range of plants that are common in urban landscapes yet considered invasive. By providing a number of superior alternative plants we encourage people to think before selecting plants and to choose the non-invasive option.
Most people are reluctant to listen when the message is just what they can't do. The difference with Grow Me Instead is that it not only identifies 30 plants considered invasive, it offers an extensive range of superior non-invasive alternatives. Each Grow Me Instead bioregion covers a wide geographic area and it has been difficult to include all of the invasive plants highlighted by the numerous local authorities within each region. The GMI guides and this website are not meant to replace local authority environmental weed lists but act as another tool to raise community awareness.
Local authorities are encouraged to promote a simple message; when selecting plants, there is always a non-invasive option. Let's embrace this fantastic opportunity to do the right thing by the environment and only promote the planting of non-invasive plants.