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African and European Olives

African and European Olives
Invasive Plant
African and European Olives
Olea europea ssp eoropaea and cuspidata

Hardy long-lived evergreen, small to medium trees which produce green or black fruits for table and oil production. The fruits are considered a delicacy after they have been processed. Those of the African olive are only edible by birds.

Olive oil and table fruit production are important economic crops but the management of wild seedlings is critical.

The seedlings are extremely invasive and have taken over large areas of the state.



  • Unviable production trees left to grow wild, produce fruit which is not managed.
  • Fruit is attractive to and spread by birds and small mammals.

If you have fruiting olive trees and are not harvesting the fruit ask permission from your council to have them removed.

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Alternative Plants

Small Leaved Gum
Photo: Jackie Miles
Alternative Plant Small Leaved Gum
Eucalyptus parvula
Trees and Shrubs

This small-leafed tree is one of the most compact of the eucalypt species, having a rounded shape with branches close to the ground. E. parvula is an ideal specimen tree for small gardens. It is also useful in groups for wind protection or in hedge-type rows for privacy. It is an excellent tree for cold damp positions. In its natural habitat it is restricted to the high country of southeastern New South Wales.

Snow Gum
Photo: Macbird Floraprint
Alternative Plant Snow Gum
Eucalyptus pauciflora
Trees and Shrubs

Fast growing semi-evergreen, vigorous twining climber with attractive dainty five leafleted leaves. The vanilla scented purplish-brown flowers appear late spring to early summer

Wolgan Snow Gum
Photo: Brooker & Kleinig © Australian National Botanic Gardens
Alternative Plant Wolgan Snow Gum
Eucalyptus gregsoniana
Trees and Shrubs

Formerly, this species was known as E.pauciflora var. nana, but it has been separated as a distinct species. Growing to about 3m, first as a small tree and eventually malleeing, it features weeping, falcate leaves, bright green buds, white stems and red branchlets.

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