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Arum lily

Arum lily
Photo: Lorna Rose
Invasive Plant
Arum lily
Zantedeschia aethiopica

This white lily with large spathes is widely used as a cut flower. The plants of the Arum lily will engulf gutters, streams, waterways and wetland bogs. It is now a widespread environmental weed! The green form called 'Green Goddess' is also invasive and can also be found clogging up natural waterways.



  • These plants produce prolific amounts of seed that wash down gutters and streams and readily germinate. It also produces large amounts of small rhizomes that are easily spread in contaminated soil. Birds and small mammals also disperse the seeds through their droppings.
  • Any moist soil will be quickly infiltrated.

Though these are popular cut flowers, the use of this plant must be discouraged for the home garden. Its spread must be stopped.

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Alternative Plants

Photo: Paul Donatiu
Alternative Plant Cunjevoi
Alocasia brisbanensis
Trees and Shrubs

The cunjevoi is a beautiful rainforest plant perfect for shady, damp areas. Perfect for landscaping around pools and ponds. It has green lily like flowers followed by dramatic, attractive red fruits.

Day Lilies
Photo: Lorna Rose
Alternative Plant Day Lilies
Hemerocallis species and hybrids
Bulbous Plants

Day lilies are either evergreen or deciduous with generous clumps of strappy leaves and tall flower stems with double or single flowers. The flowers are showy and short lived in a wide colour range of cream, yellow, pink, orange and burgundy flowers. Early, mid or late flowering seasons.

Swamp Lily
Photo: Lorna Rose
Alternative Plant Swamp Lily
Crinum pedunculatum
Trees and Shrubs

This Australian native plant has rosettes of broad leaves and clusters of white, highly fragrant, flowers on 1m stems. Suits any soil, full sun or dappled shade and is mildly frost tolerant, it also grows well near ponds. Protect from wind in coastal gardens.

Grow Me Instead