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Banana Passionfruit

Banana Passionfruit
Photo: Macbird Floraprint
Invasive Plant
Banana Passionfruit
Passiflora mollissima

A rampant climber more popular for its large pink flowers than the oblong, yellow fruit. It can spread to 20 m smothering anything in its way. It produces little edible pulp, considered less tasty than the pulp of the black passionfruit.



  • Birds and bats eat the fruit and spread seeds to rainforests and fertile areas where they readily germinate. The vines will smother native vegetation.
  • Stem fragments can easily strike upon contact with soil and cause further infestation.
Grow Me Instead


Alternative Plants

Black Passionfruit
Photo: Fir0002
Alternative Plant Black Passionfruit
Passiflora edulis (seedling forms)
Climbing and Ground Cover Plants

Seedling grown Black Passionfruit produce perfectly acceptable fruits and do not have the suckering problems of the grafted forms. Fruits may be consumed by birds resulting in the possible spread into nearby bushland areas. To prevent this, don't grow it unless you intend to eat the fruit.

Bougainvillea, Paper Flower
Photo: Macbird Floraprint
Alternative Plant Bougainvillea, Paper Flower
Bougainvillea glabra 'Magnifica'
Climbing and Ground Cover Plants

This summer flowering climber can be grown as a climber up a wall or trellis or grow as a mounding ground-cover. The most attractive purple flowers (actually bracts or modified leaves) are borne on mass. This plant performs best in full-sun and requires well-drained soil. There are many improved hybrids available for you to choose from - whites, pinks, yellows and even some variegated forms. Dwarf varieties are also available.

Photo: Macbird Floraprint:
Alternative Plant Clematis
Clematis jackmanii hybrids
Climbing and Ground Cover Plants

These large, spring flowering Clematis make a dazzling display. The vine tendrils become covered in flowers which are large and luscious, 15–18 cm wide. There are a multitude of colours available ranging from purples, blues, pinks and whites. These varieties grow to a compact 2.5 m high. Many vines invade and take over the garden, but not these. Perfect to soften harsh edges, posts, pergolas, fences and walls.

Grow Me Instead