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Black eyed Susan

Black eyed Susan
Photo: Lorna Rose
Invasive Plant
Black eyed Susan
Thunbergia alata

This persistent climber flowers prolifically when young, less as it ages.

By then it has replaced itself by seeding after the bright orange, black-throated summer flowers finish.



  • Produces an abundant amount of seed which rapidly germinates and is spread by bird droppings.
  • Also spread by dumped garden waste

This creeper is bright and cheerful during its flowering period but it is important to remember that the seeds dispersed by birds make it yet another bushland invader.

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Alternative Plants

Guinea Flower or Snake Vine
Photo: Lorna Rose
Alternative Plant Guinea Flower or Snake Vine
Hibbertia scandens
Climbing and Ground Cover Plants

This is a vigorous climber or scrambler grows to 2 to 5m wide or high. The large golden yellow flowers are most commonly seen in late spring and summer however it continually flowers through the year. It tolerates a wide range of climates, including exposure to salt-laden winds.

Native Clematis
Photo: Lorna Rose
Alternative Plant Native Clematis
Clematis aristata and C. microphylla
Climbing and Ground Cover Plants

These are the best known of the Australian native clematis.

Profuse spring/summer creamywhite flowers followed by small decorative fruits. Best in dappled shade for summer protection. Displays well on fences, lattice or rough walls.

Wonga Wonga vine
Photo: Lorna Rose
Alternative Plant Wonga Wonga vine
Pandorea pandorana
Climbing and Ground Cover Plants

This is a vigorous Australian native twining plant. The flowers are tubular and creamy-white with purple or brown markings in the throat. A number of selected colour forms of this species have been brought into cultivation, the most common is and 'Snowbells' with pure white flowers and 'Golden Showers' with yellowbronze flowers. Flowering occurs mainly in spring but may persist into summer.

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