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Bombay Blackwood, Indian Rosewood

Bombay Blackwood, Indian Rosewood
Photo: Colin Wilson
Invasive Plant
Bombay Blackwood, Indian Rosewood
Dalbergia sissoo

This medium to large, fastgrowing deciduous tree, grows to 30 m in height under favourable conditions, with a wide spreading and sparse crown. Its bark is grey, longitudinally furrowed and comes away in narrow strips. The tree develops a long taproot from an early age, and numerous lateral stabilising roots. Its small flowers are pale white to dull yellow in clusters and these are followed by pods containing kidney-shaped seeds. The pods hang on trees for several months before splitting to release the seeds.



  • Seeds are dispersed by wind and water and germinate fairly readily wherever they end up. Seedlings rarely occur under existing trees.
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Alternative Plants

Bean Tree, Batswing Coral Tree
Photo: Colin Wilson
Alternative Plant Bean Tree, Batswing Coral Tree
Erythrina vespertilio
Trees and Shrubs

A small, straggly tree, 6–10 m high, with thorns on the trunk and branches, and it is semi deciduous during the dry season. The bark is creamy-grey, deeply furrowed and corky. It produces showy scarlet to orange-red pea flowers in loose clusters at the tips of branches throughout August to September. Its beanlike seeds are orange to dark yellow in colour and are borne in pods 6–12 cm long. It will grow in a wide range of soils provided drainage is good and it has plenty of sun.

Chinese Elm
Photo: © immij pty ltd
Alternative Plant Chinese Elm
Ulmus parvifolia
Trees and Shrubs

A beautiful spreading tree to 21 m high by 9 m wide and is near evergreen in mild regions. It has a rounded crown, smooth flaking bark and fine sculptured branches in an almost weeping habit. There are many named varieties available, including 'Catlin', 'Frosty' (with whitish variegation on the leaves), 'Hansen', 'Pendens' (weeping branches) and 'True Green' (reliably evergreen in mild to warm climates).

White Wood
Photo: K&C Benz
Alternative Plant White Wood
Atalaya hemiglauca
Trees and Shrubs

Ornamental greyish–green small shade tree growing to about 9 m that is well suited to Alice Springs' gardens. It produces white flowers in summer and readily self–seeds. It is frost sensitive when young so should be given some protection, but it does re–shoot freely if it does suffer damage.

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