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Cootamundra Wattle

Cootamundra Wattle
Photo: Lorna Rose
Invasive Plant
Cootamundra Wattle
Acacia baileyana

This very popular garden wattle with fine, silvery-grey feathery foliage and masses of soft balls of golden flowers is an Australian native plant now invasive outside its natural region.

Seeds spread by ants and humans rapidly germinate. There is a high danger it will cross pollinate with the already endangered Downy Wattle (Acacia pubescens), putting it at further risk of extinction.

Cootamundra wattle is native in central western NSW and it is important to preserve this tree within its natural range.



  • Both of the listed acacia species produce masses of seed pods that ripen on the tree and disperse with the help of birds, ants and small native mammals.
  • These seeds have a high rate of germination especially after a bush fire.

Avoid growing these weedy varieties. Visit your local Garden Centre or a specialist native plant nursery for advice about other wattle alternatives.

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Alternative Plants

Blue Bush
Photo: Lorna Rose
Alternative Plant Blue Bush
Acacia covenyi
Trees and Shrubs

A rare plant from Southern New South Wales. This tall shrub has foliage with a silver-blue tinge and rich golden spring flowers. The combination of foliage and flowers creates a stunning combination in the garden. It is one of the most eye-catching native shrubs.

Coastal Myall
Photo: Lorna Rose
Alternative Plant Coastal Myall
Acacia binerva
Trees and Shrubs

This Australian native plant may grow to 10m high by 4m wide and is a popularly cultivated medium sized shade tree with a blue - green appearance, suitable for well drained soils.

Its features are the silver-grey foliage and masses of golden spring blossom.

White Sallee Wattle
Photo: Lorna Rose
Alternative Plant White Sallee Wattle
Acacia floribunda
Trees and Shrubs

A small evergreen tree, fast growing but living up to 30 years, rather than the usual 10-20 years. It has drooping branches and pale yellow flowers in late winter. It is native throughout the South Coast and often found along rivers. Use of local wattle species is always desirable.

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