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Easter Cassia

Easter Cassia
Photo: Sheldon Navie
Invasive Plant
Easter Cassia
Senna pendula var. glabrata

A showy evergreen scrambling shrub that can reach 3m in height. The compound leaves are mid green and rounded at the tip. The flowers are bright yellow and form a spectacular show as they completely cover the foliage in Autumn. Cylindrical green pods follow with abundance of persistent seeds.



  • Seeds are spread by birds, insects, water and gravity.
  • The plentiful seed ensures that even those that fall close to the bush maintain the invasive population.
Grow Me Instead

Other superior selections include;

  • Cassia tomentella - Velvet Cassia
  • Eremophila maculata - Emu Bush

Ask your local retailer for more superior selections


Alternative Plants

Chinese Hat Plant
Photo: © immij pty ltd
Alternative Plant Chinese Hat Plant
Holmskioldia sanguinea
Trees and Shrubs

Woody perennial shrub with mid green somewhat serrated foliage. Long cane like stems that require heavy pruning after flowering. A truly unique plant with its Chinese hat style flowers in a range of colours including orange, yellow and blue.

Golden Thryallis
Photo: Macbird Floraprint
Alternative Plant Golden Thryallis
Galphimia glauca
Trees and Shrubs

Evergreen shrub with twiggy habit can reach 2m but is best kept pruned to form a neat 1m shrub. It has reddish stems and oblong green foliage. It is covered in clusters of yellow flowers in spring through until autumn. This is an 'old favourite' but a solid garden performer.

Queensland Cassia
Photo: Julie Roach
Alternative Plant Queensland Cassia
Cassia queenslandica
Trees and Shrubs

A medium sized Australian native spreading tree with pinnate foliage and multiple leaflets. In spring it is covered with long spikes of yellow flowers to 30cm. It makes an absolutely spectacular display.

Grow Me Instead