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Parrot Feather

Parrot Feather
Photo: Terry Inkson
Invasive Plant
Parrot Feather
Myriophyllum aquaticum

A feathery leaved, perennial, aquatic plant with stems that grow up to 2 m in length. The tips of the stems frequently protrude from the water up to 30 cm. Seeds are infertile in Australia due to only female plants being recorded here. However, Parrot Feather reproduces by fragments breaking from the parent plant and moved by water currents. This species may also occur in home aquaria and ponds as the plant was once sold as an attractive fish tank plant. This aquatic plant is capable of totally choking water ways, dangerously excluding all other flora and fauna.


Please note: Do not dump aquatic plants into waterways as they may become invasive.

Grow Me Instead

All species are recommended for attracting frogs into the garden.


Alternative Plants

Common Nardoo
Photo: Oz Water Gardens
Alternative Plant Common Nardoo
Marsilea drummondii
Aquatic Plants

This is a native, aquatic fern that prefers slow moving or still water. Fronds produce leaflets in the shape of four-leaf clovers and generally float on the water's surface. Attractive foliage and vigorous growth make Common Nardoo an excellent water feature.

Swamp Lily
Photo: Fagg, M - ANBG
Alternative Plant Swamp Lily
Ottelia ovalifolia
Trees and Shrubs

Native to all mainland states and grows in slowly flowing fresh water or the still water of ponds, dams and lagoons. The Swamp Lily may form extensive colonies in nutrient-rich water. The open flowers are the most visible and are white with reddish or purple centres and emerge in the warmer months. Blooms appear regularly and last for less than a day.

Water Milfoil
Photo: Glenfield Nursery
Alternative Plant Water Milfoil
Myriophyllum papillosum
Aquatic Plants

A vigorous native perennial aquatic species with foxtail-like stems held above the water. Plants occur in shallow waters and provide shelter and spawning areas for fish. Thrives in full-sun to light-shade at a depth of 60 cm.

Grow Me Instead