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Photo: Immij
Invasive Plant
Vinca major

This spreading perennial ground cover to 50 cm was widely cultivated because of its dense green foliage and small blue flowers. It has spread and successfully established in moist and damp areas such as wet gullies and creek banks. Although it does not produce seed in Australia, it spreads by runners and by fragments carried in water or in relocated soil. It forms dense mats suppressing all other plants. A variegated form may also be invasive.



  • Although it does not produce seed in Australia, it spreads by runners and by fragments carried in water or in relocated soil.
  • The spread of this plant has been aided by gardeners who have dumped cuttings into the bush.
Grow Me Instead

Additional suggested alternatives: kangaroo vine (Cissus antarctica), native sarsparilla prostrate pink (Hardenbergia violacea prostrate), rosemary (Rosmarinus prostrate varieties), gum vine (Aphanopetalum resinosum) 


Alternative Plants

Chinese Star Jasmine
Photo: Lorna Rose
Alternative Plant Chinese Star Jasmine
Trachelospermum jasminoides
Climbing and Ground Cover Plants

This evergreen twining climber from China has dark, glossy foliage and masses of small, highly fragrant starry-white flowers in summer. Initially it can be slow-growing, however becomes vigorous with age. Variegated leaf forms 'Tricolor' and 'Variegatum' are also available.

Photo: © immij pty ltd
Alternative Plant Convolvulus
Convolvulus sabatius
Climbing and Ground Cover Plants

An attractive evergreen perennial with a spreading prostrate habit. Leaves are green, soft in texture with funnel form flowers in blue to violet appearing in late spring to autumn. Suitable as a ground cover, spill-over plant in rockeries and is ideal in large containers or hanging baskets. Reaching a height of about 20 cm, it will spread to 2 metres wide. Prefers a moist well-drained site and is frost tolerant.

Grevillea Groundcovers
Photo: © immij pty ltd
Alternative Plant Grevillea Groundcovers
Grevillea species and cultivars
Climbing and Ground Cover Plants

Among the highly recommended varieties are 'Royal Mantle', 'Bronze Rambler' 'Bedspread' and Gin Gin Gem'.

All are fast-growing ground cover plants ideal for mass planting and covering of large areas. The red toothbrush flowers occur in spring and autumn. These species grow to about 0.3 m high by 2 m across and are frost tolerant. Grown as 'living mulch', they will trail over banks or walls and attract nectar-feeding birds. Mass planting is highly recommended.

Japanese Star Jasmine
Photo: © immij pty ltd
Alternative Plant Japanese Star Jasmine
Trachelospermum asiaticum
Climbing and Ground Cover Plants

This twining, evergreen climber with dark green, glossy leaves can be grown as a ground cover plant. It is covered with masses of lightly fragrant, small white flowers from summer through to mid-autumn. It will grow in semi-shade or full-sun in a wide range of soils.

Native Rosemary, Coastal Rosemary
Photo: Macbird Floraprint
Alternative Plant Native Rosemary, Coastal Rosemary
Westringia fruiticosa 'Jervis Gem'
Climbing and Ground Cover Plants

A native, hardy, compact, bushy form of Westringia with grey-green foliage and a mass of blue-mauve flowers that extend over long periods. It stays compact and requires only a light prune annually. Growing to 1.2 m high by 1 m wide, this species is useful for low hedging and borders. Prefers well-drained soil and thrives in full-sun to part-shade. Will tolerate frost, dry and even severe coastal conditions.

Prostrate Rosemary
Photo: Delwyn Thomas
Alternative Plant Prostrate Rosemary
Rosmarinus officinalis 'Prostratus'
Climbing and Ground Cover Plants

A low growing or prostrate form of Rosemary to 0.4 m high with a mass of lilac-blue flowers from late summer, right through winter and into spring. An aromatic culinary herb and one of the most beautiful and useful ground-covers. It is perfect for mass planting on retaining walls and in garden beds, or as a specimen in a pot. Hardy, water wise and very well suited to coastal plantings.

Grow Me Instead