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Water fern

Water fern
Photo: Nursery & Garden Industry South Australia & Tupelo Grove
Alternative Plant
Water fern
Azolla filiculoides
Azolla is a native aquatic plant found in still or slow-moving water bodies. Azolla appears green or red depending on exposure to the sun. In shaded conditions the leaves are usually green, whilst in direct sunlight they become reddish.zolla is a common free floating fern up to 10 to 30 millimetres in diameter with roots hanging down to about 40 millimetres below the water surface. Azolla fronds float on the surface of the water individually or as large mats.  
Azolla takes up the nutrients in the water to enable it to grow, and therefore restricts the nutrients available for the growth of other nuisance plants and algae. It is a useful pond plant as it provides habitat for aquatic life as well as reduced water evaporation rates and temperatures.


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