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Wild Iris

Wild Iris
Photo: Macbird Floraprint
Invasive Plant
Wild Iris
Dietes grandiflora

This Iris is generally more robust than D. iridioides and has arching leaves from 0.75 – 1 m without a prominent midrib. White iris like flowers appear during spring and summer and are marked with yellow and brown blotches.



  • Dietes produce numerous seed pods which contain an abundance of seeds. Each seed can remain viable in the soil for an extended period of time and can readily germinate under most conditions.
Grow Me Instead


Alternative Plants

Fine Leaf Lomandra
Photo: Macbird Floraprint
Alternative Plant Fine Leaf Lomandra
Lomandra longifolia 'Tanika'

A small tufted clumping plant with narrow strap-like green leaves to 60 cm. A yellow flower spike appears from the leaf base in the early growing season and persists for many weeks. This species is extremely hardy and is tolerant of climatic extremes and most soil conditions. Ideal in mass plantings, this species grows well in full-sun and moderate to heavy shaded positions. Once established, this species can survive long periods without irrigation.

Liriope 'Evergreen Giant'
Photo: Macbird Floraprint
Alternative Plant Liriope 'Evergreen Giant'
Liriope muscari 'Evergreen Giant'

An evergreen, clump-forming perennial with grass-like, arching, linear leaves to 0.6 m long. Purple flowers appear on tall spikes from summer well into autumn. It can be used as an edging plant, specimen plant or mass planted in garden beds. Thrives in full-sun to part-shade and requires minimal care once established.

Morning Iris, Morning Flag
Photo: Macbird Floraprint
Alternative Plant Morning Iris, Morning Flag
Orthrosanthus multiflorus

A hardy evergreen native to 0.5 m. Stunning iris-like blue/mauve flowers appear above the strap like foliage across the warmer months. It can be uses as a border plant or mass planted for a splash of colour. Thrives in full-sun to part-shade.

Grow Me Instead