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Invasive Plant   Invasive Plant
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Common Name (Botanical Name) Category Region
Invasive Plant African and European Olives (Olea europea ssp eoropaea and cuspidata) Trees and Shrubs ACT & High Country
Invasive Plant Basket Willow (Salix rubens) Willows ACT & High Country
Invasive Plant Black Willow (Salix nigra) Willows ACT & High Country
Invasive Plant Box Elder (Acer negundo) Trees and Shrubs ACT & High Country
Invasive Plant Broad Leaf Privet / Small Leaf Privet (Ligustrum lucidum / Ligustrum sinense) Trees and Shrubs ACT & High Country
Invasive Plant Cherry Laurel (Prunus laurocerasus) Trees and Shrubs ACT & High Country
Invasive Plant Common Holly (Ilex aquafolium) Berried Plants ACT & High Country
Invasive Plant Cootamundra Wattle (Acacia baileyana) Trees and Shrubs ACT & High Country
Invasive Plant Cotoneaster (Cotoneaster species) Berried Plants ACT & High Country
Invasive Plant English Ivy (Hedera helix) Climbing and Ground Cover Plants ACT & High Country

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